Construction Services
We offer innovative solutions for construction projects, serving municipalities, government agencies and private organizations. With a focus on safety, quality, and efficiency, partnering with Minger Construction ensures on-time, on-budget, and high-quality results. Our range of construction services welcomes complex projects. Explore our past projects to discover our capabilities.

Sewer and Water Construction
Minger Construction offers a full range of sewer, water, and storm sewer construction. Our team is equipped handle any sized project, both new and reconstruction, with differing degrees of difficulty. Besides offering the best material, workmanship, and service, Minger also sets itself apart from the competition by having the capability of installing utilities in deep excavations and poor soils with the use of our extensive specialized shoring inventory and large excavators. This equipment along with our skilled employees allow Minger to complete deep lift stations, gravity sewer lines, and other utilities that many contractors are not capable of.
- Lift Station Construction using Open Cut and Caisson Construction
- Open Trench Installations for Sanitary Sewer, Watermain, Storm Sewer and Forcemain
Trenchless Construction
Minger Construction has the ability to install piping sizes from 4” to 16 ft diameter using trenchless technology. With our vast range of trenchless equipment (Auger Boring, TBM, Pilot Tube Micro tunneling, Rock Boring, DTH Boring, Pipe Ramming and Hand Mining) we have the tools to complete the job successfully even in the toughest conditions. The variety of equipment allows us to install a variety of pipe materials (Steel, Concrete, Fiberglass and Clay)
- Auger Boring
- Guided Boring
- Hand Shield Mining
- Horizontal DTH Hammer Drilling
- Large Diameter Excavator Boring Shield (EBS) Pipe Jacking
- Pilot Tube Microtunneling
- Pipe Bursting
- Pipe Ramming
- Tunnel Boring (TBM) Pipe Jacking
- Tunnel Shaft Construction
Minger Construction provides multiple earthwork services to ensure that we have the capability to handle any site that you may have. With projects ranging from small commercial sites to complex airport projects, our team has the experience and dedication to ensure that your project gets completed on time and within budget. Also, to ensure project success, we utilize earthwork modeling programs and GPS technology in our equipment to pinpoint any cost savings and to avoid costly rework and delays in schedule.
- Environmental Excavation (Stream Bank Excavation, Slope Excavation)
- GPS Technology (Modeling Services, Machine Control)
- Heavy Civil Grading and Excavation
- Residential and Commercial Grading and Excavation
- Structural Excavation
Temporary Conveyance
Temporary conveyance is typically needed when rehabilitating aging sanitary sewer pipes or structures. Minger Construction’s expertise with setting up simple conveyance systems (few hundred gallons per minute) to systems that handle major flows (50,000 gallons per minute) makes us an industry leader. Not only does our experience help you set your project up successfully, our miles of HDPE temporary conveyance pipe that we own allow us to convey your sewage economically.
- Temporary Water Systems
- Wastewater
Sewer Rehabilitation
Our sewers are aging and often need rehabilitation. Instead of excavating and replacing sewers and manholes, Minger has the expertise to rehabilitate your sewer. We use methods such as chemical grout and mortar to fix leaks and cracks in existing pipes and manholes. We also line existing structures with fiberglass or install fiberglass inserts that will extend the structure life for decades.
- Custom Fiberglass Lining and Repair
- Grouting and Leak Sealing
- Manhole Rehabilitation
Tunnel Grouting
Minger Construction has the capability to self-perform tunnel grouting. We can consolidate grout a tunnel crossing ahead of time to reduce settlement. We can contact grout after a tunnel is complete to fill any voids and reduce future settlement. Minger also has the capabilities to backfill the annular space of casing with cellular grout.
- Backfill Grouting
- Compaction Grouting
- Consolidation Grouting (Horizontal, Vertical)
- Contact Grouting
- Cellular Grouting
- Chemical Grouting
Specialty Structural Rehabilitation
Structure rehabilitation is often the fastest and most economical method to extend the service life of your aging infrastructure. Minger Construction provides the expertise and equipment necessary to complete these specialty projects with the highest quality standards. Some of our most popular rehabilitation services include selective demolition, concrete surface repair, injection grouting, chemical grouting, shotcrete, coating, and structural steel repair. Minger has rehabbed dams, tunnels, culverts, water facilities, and sewer facilities throughout the Midwest.
- Dams
- Sewer and Water Facilities
Foundation Systems
Occasionally new piping is installed in poor soils. Minger Construction’s in house foundation team can install this pipe utilizing helical piles to support the pipe. Minger can provide complete service, all the way from design to installation to make sure your pipe isn’t going anywhere.
- Helical Piling
- Sheet Piling
- Drilled Foundations